Kindly note that abstract submission is currently open for South African and African nurse prize categories only.
The Organising Committee invites eligible persons to compete for the Nurse Presentation Awards at the annual congress of the Society.
Deadline for submission of abstracts
Please note the following deadline dates for presenters
Instructions to Submit an Abstract
The prizes consist of:
· The SASA Prize for best Practical Peri-anaesthetic Nursing presentation
· The SASA Nurse Prize for Communication skills
Prizes: Each Nurse Presenter award will consist of a cash prize to the amount of R2 500.00 (Two thousand five hundred).
Conditions of entry:
· To be eligible for any of the prizes for Nurse Presentation, an applicable abstract must be submitted and accepted for presentation at the Nurse Refresher Program during the annual SASA Congress.
· All submissions must cover an area of Practical Peri-Anaesthetic Nursing. It can be from either a general or research perspective.
· Though not a limiting condition of entry, preference will be given to submissions from the nursing fraternity.
· The abstract of the presentation must reach the Congress Organiser before the specified closing dates for abstract submission.
· Condition for all research submissions: Only work done in Southern Africa will be accepted and must be in the field of Peri-anaesthetic Nursing.
The SASA Prize for best Practical Peri-anaesthetic Nursing Presentation
The maximum time for presentation shall be 15 (fifteen) minutes with 5 (five) minutes allowed for discussion.
The accepted abstract presentation must cover an area of practical peri-anaesthetic nursing. It can be presented from either a general or research perspective.
The SASA Nurse Prize for Communication skills
The prize shall be offered to the Nurse Refresher Program presenter of an accepted abstract, who demonstrates the most outstanding ability in communicating information on a peri-anaesthetic nursing related subject. The prize is offered for teaching and communication skills and not for research quality.
Awarding of the prize will be determined by the following major factors:
· Suitability of chosen subject.
· Ability to convey message to an audience at the SASA Nurse Refresher Programme.
· Organisation of presented material.
· Applicable usage of audio-visual aids.
· Confidence of speech.
· Presenting and teaching style.
· Ability to handle discussion from the audience.
Time allowed for the presentation will be 15 (fifteen) minutes with a 5 (five) minutes discussion period.
Instructions to Author
1. Complete the relevant information for the Presenting Author.
2. Select Preferred format of presentation (Oral).
3. Choose the category under which you wish to submit your abstract.
4. Abstracts must be submitted in English.
5. You will receive automatic email confirmation once you have submitted your abstract successfully.