Managing Emergencies in Paediatric Anaesthesia (MEPA):   

Off-site Venue: University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein Campus, Johannesburg

“Learning has never been so stressful or so much fun”

“the most believable and beneficial role play I have ever done”

In this high-fidelity simulation workshop, you will be taken through your paces in managing various sometimes rare, always life-threatening emergencies in paediatric anaesthesia. You will be guided by experts in both simulation and paediatric anaesthesia, giving you an opportunity to explore past experiences and equip yourself for future ones.

The material for this workshop was developed in the UK and is now locally adapted and delivered in over 50 centres on 5 continents.

So… come and find out what you are made of when the heat is on!!


Transformation, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (TIDE)

Creating Belonging – The Intentional Journey of Developing TIDE Cultures in our Diverse Contexts

We all desire to belong and thrive in the workspace, no-one wants to feel marginalised.  This is why we need to understand and intentionally create a TIDE (Transformation, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity) culture.

Thrive Together’s informative Creating Belonging workshop facilitates a safe space for everyone to take their next steps on the journey of understanding how we can create authentic belonging for everyone through creating and developing a TIDE culture in our increasingly multicultural workspaces. Through real-life stories and engaging activities, it will inspire and challenge, then equip and empower participants with practical tools to move towards an authentic TIDE culture.

This interactive workshop will:

  • Understand that the journey of creating belonging is intentional
  • Unpack Transformation, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (TIDE) and what it might look like in our various contexts 
  • Empower creating safe spaces for dialogues with colleagues and understanding polyvagal theory in the context of TIDE 
  • Explore different perspectives and the cultures we are currently in
  • Sensitise ourselves to behaviours, attitudes and scenarios not aligned with a TIDE culture
  • Consider real-life TIDE scenarios between provider and patient, colleagues and superiors/juniors
  • Equip providers to implement TIDE policies in a professional and practical way
This keynote address will have activity-based elements and real-life workplace scenarios built into it to engage participants in unpacking the content.



Join us on an airway adventure starting with three interactive workshops including:

1) tools, gadgets and positioning to enhance successful airway instrumentation,

2) topicalising the airway well enough to comfortably visualise your own vocal cords using fibreoptic flexible bronchoscopy,

3)ultrasound assessment, marking and performing the surgical airway. Ending with a hands on  airway simulation case scenario.


ECMO basics is a primer to the challenging world of ECMO and its application in ICU. The course will cover the basics of ECMO, practical machine set-up and trouble shooting and simulation of case scenarios. ECMO basics is presented in conjunction withthe ECMO Society of South Africa


Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Obstetric Anaesthesia

POCUS for Obstetric Anaesthesia Including Airway, Gastric and Lumbar Ultrasound



Objectives of the workshop

Obtaining all 4 FATE views

Focused approach to cardiac function concentrating on the ventricles

  • Assessing cardiac function by eye balling
  • Ejection fraction ( fractional shortening)
  • Mitral septal separation
  • Left ventricle : assess systolic function ( MAPSE) and diastolic function
  • Right ventricle systolic function (TAPSE)

Pleural view for assessment of lung pathology

  • Pleural effusion
  • Atelectasis
  • Pulmonary oedema
  • Pneumothorax

Extended view : IVC

  • Fluid status
  • Right heart filling pressure


Common cardiac pathologies will be simulated, and candidates will practice identifying abnormalities after hands-on practice with normal live models.

These conditions will be explored

  • Left ventricle systolic and diastolic dysfunction
  • Pericardial effusion
  • Pneumothorax
  • Enlarged cardiac chambers

It is compulsory for all delegates to complete the on-line USABCD FATE course (Approx. 4hrs) before they attend the hands-on session. The link will be sent to all delegates once payment has been received and receipted.


A breath of fresh air for anaesthetic nurses.

A practical airway management workshop for anaesthetic nurses.Various other scenarios will also be included. It promises to be an informal environment of fun while learning essential skills needed in the anaesthesia  environment.


Ultrasound Regional

A full-day workshop for both novices and advanced providers who would like to learn the basics or further advance their skills in ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia


Paediatric Pain

Join us for a practical integrated pain and regional anaesthesia workshop, aiming to empower the anaesthetist to employ the best perioperative analgesic strategies. Learn how to use a combination of evidence-based and expert-advised multimodal approaches to optimise the child and family experience. We will explore perioperative pain management for the children with burn-injury, sickle cell crisis, and for those undergoing thoracotomy and neonates undergoing laparotomy. The workshop facilitators are Drs Anisa Bhettay, Raymond Ndikontar and Nadia du Plessis. 



Personal Mastery for Anaesthesiologists

As an anaesthesiologist, you work closely with your colleagues, theatre staff, your patients and their loved ones - a potential minefield of emotions, fears, triggers and challenges. At times, certain situations with these individuals can become difficult to manage, especially when you are tired and stressed.

This practical, interactive workshop will empower you with critical communication skills and the assertiveness tools required to manage tough conversations and conflict situations. You will experience these skills and tools in action, learn how difficult situations can be managed and go home with the knowledge that you will know what to do next time you encounter similar situations.

Awareness is the key to good relationships. Tools and skills empower you to manage your reactions and respond in an effective and empathic manner, even when you don’t agree or see things differently. 

Learn how to stay in your power while the heat is on!

Learn how to steer conversations effectively towards conflict resolution rather than escalating a difficult situation.

There will be time during the workshop for you to bring up issues you find difficult to resolve.


Editors Research Workshop 
Workshop Date: Monday, 16 September 2024 | 15h45 - 17h45

Workshop Title: The Nuts and Bolts of Performing  a Basic Manuscript Peer Review

Co-sponsored by: Anesthesia & Analgesia and Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia & Analgesia

Workshop Leaders: Angela Enright OC, MB, FRCPC, University of British Columbia, Canada; Sandra Spijkerman MB ChB, FCASA, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Workshop Description: The validity of the published findings and consumer trust in medical journals ultimately relies upon their peer reviewers and a robust peer review process. Each peer reviewer helps fulfill the mission of the journal to provide the highest quality content that spans the breadth of anesthesiology and its many subspecialties, as well as diverse viewpoints and voices. This pragmatic, basic workshop will focus on undertaking a basic manuscript peer review. The workshop facilitators will lead an interactive, roundtable session with a small group of workshop participants, using actual manuscripts submitted to Anesthesia & Analgesia. Participants will be expected to read two manuscripts (provided) prior to the workshop. This basic workshop is principally intended for less experienced clinician-scientists, who are beginning to make a contribution to scholarly publishing.

Workshop Learner Objectives:

1.     Acquire basic peer manuscript reviewer skills

2.     Enhance individual scholarly contribution and professional achievement

3.     Promote greater diversity and inclusion among medical journal peer reviewers



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